New Bollywood film on cards for Priyanka Chopra?
Priyanka Chopra fans may have some uplifting news coming their direction. The performer, who was occupied with her Hollywood tasks in the recent months, was as of late spotted at a rural eatery with executive Goldie Behl and his sister and maker, Srishti Behl. All things considered, it resembled a meeting to talk about her future film ventures.
About her next Bollywood film, Priyanka had prior uncovered that there were a great deal of contents she enjoyed, yet she could proceed with them just when she knows her calendar. PeeCee likewise included that she has bolted three movies yet can't report them till she knows her dates.
Goldie and Priyanka had cooperated in "Drona" (2008), which likewise co-featured Abhishek Bachchan.
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